Reviewing Process
Once a manuscript is submitted via EJTE's online submission process, in order to ensure consistency with the mission and focus of the publication, it is first reviewed by the editors to ensure compliance with all the requirements. In the event that a paper fails to adhere to any or all requirements, the author will be notified and allowed to make the necessary changes.
Upon passing the editorial stage, a manuscript is sent for a double-blind peer-review process. That means that each paper will be evaluated completely anonymously by two or more reviewers. The identity of the author will only be revealed upon the approval for publication.
Reviewers are required to provide their decision within 60 days from the submission of a paper for their review. However, should reviewers request additional time due to a reasonable explanation, they will be granted an extension.
Each reviewer’s decision will fall into one of the four categories:
- Paper accepted pending routine edits
- Paper accepted pending minor revisions
- Paper requires major revisions and a resubmission
- Paper rejected