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Numerous situations in schools highlight the urgency of work fo-cused on socio-emotional development. Educational institutions should incorporate subjects into their curriculum that promote a culture of peace. Schools should serve as collective environments for practicing dialogue and respecting for diversity. Method: a teamwork strategy was structured to help students learn respectful coexistence and to develop conflict-solving skills among peers. This doctoral research employed a qualitative-quantitative ap-proach, using the case study method to understand the importance of such school project. Preliminary results: this study elucidates the needs of adolescents and describes how teamwork can effectively teach peer conviviality and social skills. The final analysis of the thesis is ongoing but contributes to the argument for socio-emotional development in schools. It highlights the need to imple-ment student training projects that promote youth leadership, con-flict resolution, and a culture of peace. After the implementation of the help teams, 59% of the students recognized that the school has student teams to help resolve peer conflicts. Additionally, some students who had social difficulties increased their engagement at school throughout the project.


adolescents coexistence peace culture protagonism teamwork

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How to Cite
Tamura, A. L. H. (2024). Youth Protagonism: Promoting a Culture of Peace at School Through Socio-Emotional Development. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 6(4), 1–14.