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Despite of the fact that health care employees spend over 25% of their working hours on information administration using technology, there are no official study opportunities for information security, eHealth and medical devices in Estonia. Tallinn Health Care College commenced the development of a module to teach technologies to improve learners’ digital competence. Aim was to design a crucial subject to develop the competences for digital health technologies in basic nursing training. Following tasks were arranged: to conduct comprehensive overview of scientific literature with the aim to systematize the competences of digital technologies instructed in the field of health care; to design a conceptual framework of the subject; to monitor the functioning of the subject and students’ satisfaction with the subject’s contents to further develop the subject. Combined qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. The comprehensive literature overview was created of teaching health technologies and eHealth to design the conceptual framework, it offered the input to structurise the volume and contents for the subject on digital technologies. The analysis of the students’ feedback was the ground for monitoring and development. The list of competences was composed derived from the comprehensive overview of scientific literature, also of topicality of the themes; forms of assessment and feedback, and the factors influencing the whole learning process. Designed conceptual framework helped to structurise the course, and the visual image demonstrates the link between the connections. Continuous monitoring helps to evaluate the functioning of the subject and its continuous development ensures effective teaching.


digital health technologies basic nursing training development of competences for digital health technologies comprehensive literature overview

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How to Cite
Ristikivi, J., Hallik, R., Talvik, M., & Tulva, T. (2022). Development of Competences for Digital Health Technologies in Basic Nursing Training on an Example of Tallinn Health Care College. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 4(1), 1–13.