European Journal of Teaching and Education 2024-12-17T12:59:13+00:00 EJTE Info Open Journal Systems <p>The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE) is an online open-access international journal, which publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics within the field of education, including, but not limited to, education theory and practice, policy and administration, e-learning, child and family education, lifelong learning, and others. Each study published by EJTE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.<br />The research studies published by EJTE serve the goal of facilitating and enhancing the public discussion on the topics that are essential to the future of teaching and education. The themes explored throughout the publication set the foundation of our global and national approach to education within the frameworks of academia, practices, policies, and research. As such, EJTE strives to present its readers with a rich selection of perspectives and topics by bringing together experts from a range of clinical and research disciplines, along with policymakers and private institutions in education.</p> Youth Protagonism: Promoting a Culture of Peace at School Through Socio-Emotional Development 2024-09-09T06:14:03+00:00 Ana Lúcia Hermosilla Tamura <p>Numerous situations in schools highlight the urgency of work fo-cused on socio-emotional development. Educational institutions should incorporate subjects into their curriculum that promote a culture of peace. Schools should serve as collective environments for practicing dialogue and respecting for diversity. Method: a teamwork strategy was structured to help students learn respectful coexistence and to develop conflict-solving skills among peers. This doctoral research employed a qualitative-quantitative ap-proach, using the case study method to understand the importance of such school project. Preliminary results: this study elucidates the needs of adolescents and describes how teamwork can effectively teach peer conviviality and social skills. The final analysis of the thesis is ongoing but contributes to the argument for socio-emotional development in schools. It highlights the need to imple-ment student training projects that promote youth leadership, con-flict resolution, and a culture of peace. After the implementation of the help teams, 59% of the students recognized that the school has student teams to help resolve peer conflicts. Additionally, some students who had social difficulties increased their engagement at school throughout the project.</p> 2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Lúcia Hermosilla Tamura Examining Development Studies (DS) Teaching Philosophy, Methods and Desired Competences in Lesotho Secondary Context 2024-11-11T08:56:03+00:00 Ngoanannete David Lekhanya <p>Using qualitative approach in document analysis of educational policies and syllabi in CAP (2009) and the Integrated Grade 8 Social Sciences Syllabus 2017, the study sets out to explore Development Studies (DS) teaching philosophy, methods and the desired competences in Lesotho secondary schools. The subject was introduced in order to achieve the goals of self-reliance through education with production. It was further meant to explore the theory underpinning the subject, appropriate instructional strategies and pertinent subject philosophy. The findings revealed that DS as a subject is couched in Constructivism Theory (CT) which upholds that liberatory, critical or transformative pedagogies are more suitable as opposed to transmission or didactic pedagogies. Transformative pedagogies are understood to promote desired competences including innovativeness, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, practical and research skills. The outlined skills are dependent on the teacher’s astute subject pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) calling for deployment of learner centred or actively engaging teaching and learning approaches in DS classrooms.</p> 2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ngoanannete David Lekhanya Unveiling Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: A Comprehensive Analysis of Teaching Materials Utilization 2024-11-13T11:58:27+00:00 F. Sehkar Fayda-Kinik <p>This study investigated pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching materials utilization (TMU) focusing on the aspects of message design, usage, and visual design, and how demographic factors such as gender, age, university type, year of study, and teaching branch affect their self-efficacy in TMU. A group of 347 pre-service teachers studying at the faculty of education in different universities across Turkey were measured for their self-efficacy in the aspects of message design, usage, and visual design in teaching materials. The study quantitatively revealed that pre-service teachers demonstrated high levels of self-efficacy in all three domains. Notably, pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy varied significantly across demographic variables. Female pre-service teachers generally exhibited higher self-efficacy across all the subscales compared to their male counterparts. Age was also found to influence their self-efficacy in that older participants displayed greater competence. The pre-service teachers from foundation universities showed higher self-efficacy than those from state universities. However, the year of study did not significantly affect self-efficacy levels. Furthermore, significant differences in self-efficacy were also observed across different teaching branches, particularly in message design and usage, but not in visual design. This study contributes valuable insights for teacher education programs by emphasizing the importance of demographic considerations in developing teaching materials competencies among pre-service teachers.</p> 2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 F. Sehkar Fayda-Kinik Challenges in Academic Writing for Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh 2024-11-26T06:26:27+00:00 Md. Mostafizur Rahman Mohammad Azmal Hossain Mohammad Mohi Uddin <p>This study examines the challenges faced by undergraduate students in academic writing at a government college in Bangladesh, focusing on linguistic barriers, critical thinking, organizational skills, and academic integrity. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through focus group interviews with students, individual teacher interviews, participant observations, and document analysis. Findings reveal key difficulties, including limited vocabulary, grammar issues, weak critical thinking, poor organizational skills, and plagiarism concerns. To address these challenges, the study recommends interventions such as structured vocabulary lessons, grammar instruction, critical thinking exercises, and promoting academic integrity. The research emphasizes the importance of collaboration between educators and students to enhance writing skills and improve academic outcomes. Additionally, it identifies areas for future research, such as the impact of socioeconomic status and language background on writing proficiency, offering valuable insights for educators and policymakers.</p> 2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Mohammad Azmal Hossain, Mohammad Mohi Uddin