International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics
<p>The International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics is a platform for scientific discussion and knowledge sharing open for all researchers worldwide. The abbreviation for the Journal is IJARME. It provides a forum for both academics and decision-makers to advance theory and application in the fields of Management and Economics. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.</p>Mokslinės Leidybos Deimantas (Diamond Scientific Publication)en-USInternational Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics2538-8053Green Waves: How Leaders’ Actions Shape Employee Behaviours, a Moderated Mediation Model of Organizational Green Culture and Personality Traits
<p>In the recent decade, the literature on corporate greening, sustainability, and environmental performance has burgeoned. Organizational citizenship behaviour for the environment (OCBE), defined as employees’ voluntary behaviours that aim to contribute to the organization’s environmental management, has recently attracted considerable scholarly attention. Through a holistic review and synthesis of the current literature on OCBE, we aim to bridge the gaps in the literature and provide new and novel insights into the cascading effect of leaders’ OCBE throughout the organization. Specifically, we delineate the link between leaders’ OCBE engagement and followers’ propensity to engage in OCBE, a link mediated by organizational green culture (OGC). In addition, given the lack of attention to intra-personal variables in the OCBE literature, we also aim to explain the moderating effect of personality in the proposed mediated relationship. Theoretically, from the social learning and social exchange lenses, the paper contributes to the current literature by explaining the interplay between interpersonal (leaders’ behaviour) and organizational (OGC) variables in predicting employees’ OCBE. We also highlight the role of the personality trait of openness to experience as a boundary condition that can affect employees’ propensity to perform high-intensity OCBE. From a practical perspective, this paper offers valuable insights for management and HR practitioners who are committed to effective environmental management and sustainability.</p>Cheng ZhengRuth McKayCristina Ciocirlan
Copyright (c) 2024 Cheng Zheng, Ruth McKay, Cristina Ciocirlan
2024-12-302024-12-307412010.33422/ijarme.v7i4.1429Counterfeit Luxury Goods – Effects on the Brand Image and Exclusivity Perception
<p>As counterfeits of luxury brands threaten the authenticity of genuine brands, this study considers, in the context of a quantitative analysis, the impact exposure to good and bad counterfeits has on the perception of the exclusivity and the brand image of genuine luxury brands. The monolithic concept of brand image is split into the four dimensions of quality, price, aesthetics, and tradition, which are key aspects of any luxury brand. This study contributes to the existing literature by offering a current look at the post-Covid situation regarding the impacts of counterfeiting in the luxury market in Central Europe, i.e., Germany, from a multi-faceted perspective. It establishes that for quality and aesthetics perceptions, counterfeits do not harm the brand image of genuine luxury items. In contrast, they strengthen the consumer-brand relationship. For brands, these results imply that while counterfeits decrease their profits, they also could increase brand loyalty.</p>Jens Kai PerretChristiane BeyerhausLeonie H. Steinkamp
Copyright (c) 2024 Jens Kai Perret, Christiane Beyerhaus, Leonie H. Steinkamp
2024-12-302024-12-3074213110.33422/ijarme.v7i4.1443Generative AI, Disruptive Innovation, and Marketing Firm Strategies: Opportunities and Implications
<p>This study investigates the potential of small marketing firms to disrupt the market by adopting generative AI technology and the theory of disruptive innovation. The study employs a qualitative approach, combining a comprehensive literature review with in-depth interviews with leaders of small marketing firms. The research findings position generative and conversational AI as the next technological evolution, succeeding the internet and mobile/social era. It is the first study applying the theory of disruptive innovation to generative AI use in small marketing firms, presenting a positive outlook toward integrating generative AI into marketing operations. The study contributes to the emerging knowledge of AI in marketing, offering practical implications for scholars and practitioners to advance this field.</p>Emad AbouElgheit
Copyright (c) 2024 Emad AbouElgheit