Journal of Social Media Marketing 2024-06-08T06:54:03+00:00 JSMM Info Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Social Media Marketing (JSMM) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Social Media Marketing. JSMM is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed, semi-annual journal (online) published by Diamond Scientific Publishing, Lithuania.</p> A Study of Exploring Listening Willingness and Media Effect on Podcast 2024-03-12T05:41:32+00:00 Yi-Jie Chen I-Ping Chiang Kuen-Hung Tsai Hao-Shen Yang <p style="margin: 0cm;">Under the wave of digital transformation, starting from creating more diverse experiences and listening to the voice of users. Podcast, which has flourished in the Taiwanese social media in recent years, will be a significant change in the future operation. The main purpose of this study is to explore listeners motivation, Podcaster characteristics and Podcast contents induce the influence on listeners’ listening willingness and media effects. The results are shown that when listeners' use media to achieve entertainment satisfaction, it has a positive impact on listening willingness. Podcast make listeners feel that the Podcaster is around, as well as the unique, high-quality, and diverse content of the program will make listeners want to listen to Podcast, lead to multitasking and media substitution. In addition, the behavior of listening to Podcast every day and media substitution by Podcast with more desirable features will result in listeners’ message acceptance to affect behavior and have a positive advertisement attitude. Finally, this study will verify that the questionnaire results were correct and valid through CCA, and use PLS to test parameter estimation, causal relationship between dimensions and overall validity. According to the research findings, we hope the suggestions for the implication and research can contribute to future development in Podcast.</p> 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yi-Jie Chen, I-Ping Chiang, Kuen-Hung Tsai, Hao-Shen Yang Information Forwarding User Behavior on Social Networking Services: A Comparative Study in India and Japan 2024-03-11T08:05:08+00:00 Mahendra Singh <p style="font-weight: 400;">Social media provides an effective way to share information, preferences, and life stories with others. The power of social media lies in its ability to rapidly disseminate information to a wide audience via information forwarding. Various researchers have studied user motivations behind the use of social media; however, there hasn't been much research in the past on understanding the user motivations behind information forwarding on SNS sites. This research is focused on understanding the reasons behind the information forwarding on SNS through a comparative study of users in India and Japan. For this research, quantitative analysis is conducted on the data collected from SNS users in India and Japan. The scope of the research extends beyond the sentiments and emotions sparked by the information contents and proposes a research framework with a broader scope that includes other important factors too, such as social contribution, self-benefits, and organizational propaganda. It is found that positive emotions, negative emotions, and social contribution are the significant predictors of information forwarding on SNS in Japan, however for India, the organizational propaganda construct is also found to be a significant predictor. The relative importance of the various predictors was also found to be different. Based on the comparative analysis, it could be concluded that the relative importance of these factors varies depending on the geographical region due to the differences in their social and cultural environment.</p> 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahendra Singh A Tale of Iranian Women Athletes: Elite Female Athletes Share Their Perspectives of Barriers and Consequences of Media Coverage 2024-05-11T12:33:18+00:00 Mehrdad Ahmadi Yasamin Molana <p align="JUSTIFY">Despite historic marginalization, female athletes excel in sports, yet media coverage of professional women's sports in Iran remains inadequate. This study employs content analysis to explore how Iranian female athletes experience the lack of media coverage and its impacts on women's sports. 22 elite female athletes were selected for semi-structured interviews. The findings of this study underscore the continued under representation of women's sports in the media, influenced by cultural barriers, socialization norms, inadequate sports marketing, and lack of strategy for producing women's sports programming in mass media. Consequently, these factors not only perpetuate cultural biases against women but also hinder effective sports management. In contrast, social media emerges as a potential platform for promoting women's sports. Due to the lack of media representation, Iranian female athletes have turned to social media as a valuable platform for personal branding, boosting their motivation, expanding their fans, and attracting potential investors.</p> 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mehrdad Ahmadi, Yasamin Molana