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The new generation of solar cells based on perovskite materials has attracted  massive attention from the photovoltaic community, due to their high capability in supporting low-cost solar cell. In this study, extensive theoretical research of three types of lead-based  (MAPbI3, FAPbI3 and CsPbI3) and four types of lead-free (MASnI3, FASnI3, CsGeI3, and MAGeI3) perovskite solar cells are modeled while Cu2O is used as HTL and TiO2 as ETL. The initial results show commendable performance for MAPbI3 with 24,8% efficiency, while MAGeI3 has the lowest performance (12,61%). In addition, different factors reviewed affect the performance almost similarly to the studied types of perovskites.


Perovskite solar cells lead-based perovskite lead-free perovskite SCAPS-1D

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How to Cite
MallaHasan, H., & Onay, Özlem. (2022). Investigation of the effect of different factors on the performance of several perovskite solar cells: a simulation study by SCAPS. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 5(1), 20–38.